1st Webinar – 15th Dec 2020


-How to thrive in life and work in the era of diversity –

Our Committee members with Ms Sasaki greeting to the attendees

2020 has been a challenging year for everybody. We took this as an opportunity to get out of our comfort zone and tried a webinar for the very first time!

Our very first webinar on Tuesday, December 15th, featured Ms Kaori Sasaki, Founder & CEO of ewoman, Inc. She kindly accepted our offer and shared her expertise. Ms Sasaki is one of the most renowned diversity experts in Japan and a highly sought-after speaker. It was such an honour to have her for our 1st webinar!

We commenced with Hiroko’s opening remarks, where she touched on the Japanese Businesswomen’s Society’s history and introduced our special guest for the night.

Ms Sasaki started her presentation by sharing her unique background starting as a translator to becoming a founder and an influencer.

She explained that ‘Diversity’ works when each person contributes in their unique way. Diversity is not about one particular minority group.  It’s a viewpoint. Having this viewpoint enables each of us to contribute to our success collectively. For example, it can be applied to design – diversity of design – and just about any area.

She also shared a lot of tips on how you can contribute and thrive in the era of diversity. If you want to lean more, please visit ewoman’s website.

The Q&A session facilitated by Yuko also provided a lot of valuable advice. We received several questions related to leadership. Ms Sasaki responded that there is no right and wrong but effective leadership is inclusive and flexible.

The webinar concluded with a lot of key takeaways. Ayumi thanked Ms Sasaki and ewoman for sharing her story and the opportunity to learn about ‘diversity’. She also expressed gratitude to Herbert Smith Freehills who kindly provided the webinar platform this time.

Thank you again to Ms Sasaki, ewoman, HSF, and all the members who attended the webinar.

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